Yii Framework Beginner Guide

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  1. Yii Framework Beginners Guide
  2. Oa Framework Beginners Guide

If you're asking, 'what's Yii?' Check out my earlier tutorial: Introduction to the Yii Framework, which reviews the benefits of Yii and includes an overview of what's new in Yii 2.0, released October 12th, 2014. This tutorial will walk you through installing Yii 2.0, setting up your local.

. The enablePrettyUrl property effectively removes the?r= part from the URLs acceptable by the application. What was accessible by index.php?r=module/controller/action will be accessible by just index.php/module/controller/action.

But in addition to that, it enables the support to define custom rules of parsing and generating routes. Basically, it completely changes the way the Yii application handles requests. The showScriptName property, when set to false, will prohibit the URL manager from adding the script name to the URLs it generates.

The actual name of the entry-point script is irrelevant; it’s inferred from the current $SERVER settings automatically. Practically speaking, you will almost always use the following combinations of the parameters.

MVC is an acronym for Model View Controller. It is a software architectural pattern which aims at separating business logic from the presentation part. A typical MVC Architecture is shown below: As we can see there are 3 major components: 1. Model: The model manages data and the business logic of the application, It is responsible for data manipulation and functionality of the system.Model receive request from controller then it perform certain task and send the result back to the controller.

View: It is responsible for presentation of data or model i.e the visual format of data, It just receives data from the controller and displays it to the user through browser in this case. Controller: It is the most important component of MVC. Controller manages the communication between the model and view. It acts as the mediator between them. It takes user inputs, interact with model and updates the view.

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In Yii framework every user request is passed to the controller which then decides where to go for further processing. In this post we will see how to enable Yii framework support in Eclipse for faster coding and web application development.

Yii Framework Beginner Guide

Yii Framework Beginners Guide

If you don’t have Eclipse you can download it from, Download the standard version it will be a zip file, unzip it and run eclipse. The installed Eclipse doesn’t have support for PHP language, So first we need to configure it for PHP development, for that we need to install PHP Development Tools. In Eclipse Go to Help Click on Install New Software In Work with: select –All Available Sites– The available plugins will be loaded, search for php in it Select all the 3 tools Click on Next and install it Now your Eclipse is configured for PHP Development. For Yii framework support we need Yiiclipse. Yiiclipse is the plugin that provides Yii framework integration in Eclipse, It provides New Yii Application wizard, code completion and code navigation tool. Again we have to install it through, Install New Software Wizard Go to Install New Software Copy this url and paste it in Work with: and press enter Click on Next and install it.

Oa Framework Beginners Guide


Restart the eclipse for the changes to take effect. Now you can create new Yii project in Eclipse First change the perspective to PHP Go to Window Open Perspective Other Select PHP For Creating Yii Project Go to File New Other In type filter text type yii Select New Yii Framework Project Enter Project Name: After this you will see 2 option 1. Use local – if you already have Yii framework then select this and provide path where it is located.

Download – if you don’t have it then select this and select the sample project you want. Click on Finish, In Project explorer you can now see the framework is in the project include path. Yii is an acronym for Yes, it is, and is pronounced as Yee or (ji:). It is a PHP framework for rapidly developing any web application, Like most other PHP frameworks it also follows the pattern.The best thing about Yii is that it is highly optimized framework due to which it is best suited for heavy web application where performance is a major issue. You can use Yii for your web application because of following reason:. It is highly optimized ( High Performance).

It is fast. It is easy. It is extensible (Core framework classes can be extended easily). It is very secure,.